Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 242 - A Conspiracy Brewing In The Royal Castle (part 2) [side]

Chapter 242 – A Conspiracy Brewing In The Royal Castle (part 2) [side]

"Oh! Hello, my prince, what brings you here?"

The ridiculously attractive man asked exactly the same question as Yarvestreg after noticing the gold-haired boy and waved at him in a friendly manner…



After the initial shock lasting around three seconds, Yarvestreg walked to the first prince\'s side and covered his eyes with her hands without hesitation.


She declared in a hostile voice while glaring down at him.


Sir Karestas, the knight who was completing the most recognizable duo from the King\'s Guard exclaimed in surprise.

"Oh right!"

He looked at himself as if only realizing how he looks and disappeared behind the door.

"…Lady Yarvestreg… Could you remove your hands? I swear I\'m not going to try and steal your lover."

Horeo said in a bored voice, after all, he knew sir Karestas and lady Yarvestreg very well and understood their actions to a certain degree.

"I\'m not taking any chances. Even if you\'re the next king I\'m not going to let my cinnamon roll be tainted by the likes of you!"

Similarly, sir Karestas and lady Yarvestreg knew him very well.

"Really now? And you are worried about him only, then what about yourself? My tastes aren\'t tied to a specific gender."

Horeo removed her hands from his face and smirked at the woman taking a step forward while holding onto her wrist.

"I\'m just acting based on the previous situations, mister I-take-advantage-of-people-under-mana-depletion.!"

Yarestreg stood her ground and scoffed as the provocation had not much effect on her, which was rather obvious considering her position and experience – she even countered the gold-haired boy with a well-aimed comeback.

"…! Why are bringing that up!? I don\'t point out that you faked mana depletion to start your relationship with Karestas!"

Horeo gasped and scoffed, letting go of the woman\'s wrist and putting his hands on his sides, ready for a full quarrel.

"Wha…?! I-I…!"

This was the first time that Yarvestreg flinched and her eyes widened in shock – but as she was about to respond the door to her quarter opened and Karestas clothed in casual clothes walked out.

"Valkie, what\'s is something the matter?"

The handsome man asked cautiously while buttoning up his sleeves.

"Commander arranged for us to train with the prince but forgot to tell us."

Yarvestreg tensed up for a split second and then turned around and responded in an annoyed voice as if the supposed forgetfulness of their boss was the real reason for her previous actions.


Karestas flinched and after crossing his arms, started glaring coldly at Horeo.

"So that\'s how it is…! Prince, you should already know how the commander is – if you wanted to train with us you should have made an appointment."

"That\'s what I told him too!"

He said sounding exactly as irked as Yarvestreg.

|…They\'re so annoying when they\'re angry…!|

Horeo rolled his eye and took a deep breath.

No matter what the pair was going to say, he wasn\'t the one changing his plans – that\'s for sure.

After the training, both Yarvestreg and Karestas had barely any mana left, and even though it was spent steadily in a prolonged period of time some symptoms of mana depletion started to appear.

Both of them were sitting next to the completely unaffected gold-haired boy – and even with him still around Yarestreg was already comfortably sitting in Karestas\'s lap without any shame which was not something she would normally do in public.

"It\'s so annoying that you can use such spells in quick succession!"

Yarvestreg complained turning her head to Horeo.

"Hey, it\'s not my fault you guys can\'t copy them. How many times have Zoemi and I tried to explain them to everyone at King\'s Guard with no effect?"

The first prince shrugged his shoulders and scoffed at her.

"Although, your coordination is a sight to behold – as always. I was this much from knocking you out…"

Horeo demonstrated how close it was by putting his thumb and index finger together and leaving a tiny space between them.

"…but even though I thought that he had spent all of his mana, Karestas teleported right in front of you with that giant light shield. That took me by surprise – I guess I still have a lot of training to do."

He smirked – a little bit too mockingly for his words to be completely truthful – and nodded at the pair of knights.

"It\'s already disturbing that a sixteen-year-old can lead the two of us by the nose all the way to the mana depletion state – you really don\'t have to kick us when we\'re down…"

Karestas rested his chin on Yarvestreg\'s shoulder and complained.

"That\'s right, you are ridiculously strong, why don\'t you just become the king already? You could dethrone your father at any time, the King\'s Guard will have your back no question asked!"

Yarvestreg leaned towards Horeo all conspicuously and murmured.

"No, I want to just inherit the throne without killing my own family for it. Even I don\'t want to hurt my parent… one of them at least…"

Horeo waved his arm dismissively and frowned in annoyance.

"So if the King\'s Guard could be so kind and try a bit harder to stop attempts of sending the king to the other side, I would be really grateful. I want to at least graduate from the Academy, alright? Find me the mastermind for today\'s attempt."

He said without even blinking.

""We will.""

Karestras and Yarvestreg nodded their heads simultaneously.

"And do it seriously – I know full well that the King\'s Guard motto is \'We follow the might of the king", and this past few years mother was doing nothing else but sucking up to not only our political opponents within the kingdom but also some third-rate countries that can be destroyed if we as much as sneeze at them and father is just allowing her to do whatever she wants. There\'s barely any might to follow anymore – but still…"


"…sums things up pretty well…

Horeo looked at them with a stern expression and the two knights nodded their heads sadly.

"I already told Irghun to look into it – but if things would turn out to be a bit more serious than we hoped for, contact me and I will reconsider my stance on the matter."

The gold-haired boy stood up and stretched.

"That sounded like you suspect someone from your family to be behind the attempt…"

"It sure does sound like that…"

Karestas pointed out and Yarvestreg nodded while nuzzling against him like an attention-starved kitten.

"That\'s because I am."

The first prince simply shrugged his shoulders and nodded before walking away without revealing any more of his inner thoughts.

Horeo was returning to his room with his head filled with conspiracy theories and possible explanations to all of them.

|I might be too self-conscious but I can\'t help to think that this was a failed attempt to ruins my chances for succession…|

The gold-haired boy\'s face turned grim at the conclusion he reached while walking down the hallway and…




Just as he was turning the corner, he bumped into someone – or rather a pair of someone since neither of the voices that called out belonged to him.

"Be more mindful of where you walk in the… huh…?"

Horeo waved his hand dismissively but then realized people, he bumped into were none other than his own attendants!

Veo was massaging her nose with an upset expression but at least she was still standing up while Patishi looked straight up drunk, sprawled on the floor while wearing the disheveled maid-dress – somehow ending up in an extremely provocative state after bumping into the first prince.

"What\'s going on here…?"

Horeo picked up the younger girl with a concerned expression and glanced at Vee.

"My prince, lord Lazaram examined Patishi, she indeed is a magician and she has as much mana as an earth magician, but even lord Lazaram couldn\'t identify what attribute she actually wields."

Veo answered while walking up to Patishi from the other side and started putting the younger girl\'s clothes in order…

"Veo, I love you…!"



Right then, out of nowhere, Patishi hugged Veo and kissed her on the lips.

It was so shocking that neither she nor Horeo could stop her.

"Hold, on – it\'s mana depletion!"

Horeo exclaimed and grabbed Patishi\'s shoulder in concern…

The slightly younger girl in the maid\'s outfit let go of the bright red Veo and turned to him with unfocused eyes.

Just as Horeo figured out, she acted so out of how she normally was because she was completely out of mana and don\'t think straight.

"Ah! Master! My prince!"

Patishi\'s eyes brightened up and she trembled in exclaimed as if this was the first time she noticed Horeo by her side, and then she threw her arms around the gold-haired boy\'s neck.

"You don\'t have to be jealous, I love you just as much as Veo!"

Patishi said and pulled Horeo\'s head down and kissed him too!


"Patishi, that\'s not fair…! Th-that\'s enough wouldn\'t you say?!"

The first prince\'s eyes widened as he froze, literally stunned in shock and it required Veo\'s embarrassed and definitely jealous cry – although not directed at him directly – to make the gold-haired boy realize what was going on and pull away from the overly clingy Patishi.

"What the…!?\'

Horeo gasped for air and wiped off the line of drool that stuck to the corner of his lips.

"Where did this she learn to kiss like that!?"

He exclaimed and even Veo looked at him in shock.

"Wh-wha…?! You- you don\'t mind that she did that…?"

The older attendant\'s face turned bright red and her voice cracked in embarrassment.

"I… I can kiss too, you know!?"


She gasped while holding onto Patishi and took a step towards the stunned gold-haired boy.

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